
Smoothie Recipe for a Protein-rich Morning

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Smoothies can be your constant breakfast with a deelish taste and nutrition-rich components. My smoothie recipe is based on some crucial ingredients which are super healthy to consume and will lead to a better balanced day. 

There are multiple benefits of having a healthy smoothie as a part of your breakfast:

  • When using the pulp from fruits and vegetables, a smoothie increases your body’s fibre intake
  • It can be a nutritious replacement for a meal if you are having a supper busy day
  • A smoothie prepared with the right recipe can give your body the required balance of fats, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals
  • Consuming a beetroot recipe will help in lowering blood pressure
  • Cucumbers in your smoothie contain very few calories but are very high in nutrients
  • A cucumber-rich smoothie is a great option if you want a drink promoting weight loss

Some important things to consider before preparing your Smoothie:

  • My smoothies are mainly veg based to help balance sugar levels which can be high in fruit smoothies
  • What are your calorie needs for the day?  If you are exercising then maybe a protein rich smoothie will be better than a carb based smoothie
  • If you are time poor you can make a bigger batch than you need and drink a 2nd smoothie later or keep in the fridge for breakfast.

Smoothie recipe to energize your mornings.

Smoothie Ingredients 

  • ½ cup coconut water (unsweetened) 
  • ½ cucumber 
  • 1 celery stalk 
  • ¼ beetroot 
  • ½ fennel bulb 
  • Sprig of mint leaves 
  • Juice of ½ lemon (optional) 

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add ice if you want a more refreshing drink. 

And your drink is ready. Smoothies are the healthiest beverage for mornings if prepared with the right smoothie recipe ingredients. For more amazing breakfast recipes keep reading Fitness Faster.

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